
Zero Emission line

Al Gore has finally caught up with the position of the Zero Emission Network and many of our groups such as Beyond Zero Emissions and Green Leap Strategic Institute have been calling for for a number of years.

He is call for the USA produce 100 percent of their electricity from renewable energy and truly clean carbon-free sources within 10 years. It's achievable, affordable and necessary. And we need to make this break from past habits and old ways of thinking.

"We're borrowing money from China to buy oil from the Persian Gulf to burn it in ways that destroy the planet. Every bit of that's got to change."

In the past months he's been hosting a series of solutions summits with engineers, scientists, CEOs, and financiers. This speech pulled together some of the best thinking from those talks -- and highlighted what we each can do to end our dangerous addiction to fossil fuels and solve the climate crisis.

1 comment:

malcolmcro said...

It's a great challenge but he has grasped only one arm of the octopus!
We need something like compulsory ground source heating and electric cars to make the cuts deep enough to succeed.
Your zero emission line sounds better.