
Married Men are Actually Healthier Than Single Men

Here is a surprising fact: married men are less likely to get angrier than single men.

Impossible, I hear you say. After all, the stress of having someone nag you consistently and constantly day in and day out for years has got to lead to a permanent high blood pressure doesn't it?

Apparently not.

For reasons that only science can explain, and certainly not logic, negative personality traits have been found to drive up blood sugar levels in single men, but married men appear immune to the dangerous glucose adjustment.

Higher blood glucose is known to put people at risk of both diabetes and coronary heart disease.

But in all seriousness, the University of South California investigated the direct effect of angry personality traits had on increasing glucose levels.

The team studied 485 healthy men in their 50s and 60s, checking their fasting blood glucose levels in 1986 and again in 1995.

They found hostility and anger traits in the first check were associated with higher blood glucose levels nine years later.

But the relationship between personality traits and blood glucose was only significant for unmarried men.

One wonders at what time the scientists did the research? It certainly wasn't when a husband came home late and was accused of either having an affair or being at a strip club.

Who knows, maybe he has combined the two putting him at ease with the world.

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